Losing Your Job - Change Curve

Losing Your Job – How Will You React?

In June 2017, Boeing announced plans to transfer a large part of their shared services group from Puget Sound in Washington State to Mesa, Arizona, affecting hundreds of jobs.

This initiative is just one phase of a corporate drive to reduce costs, resulting in the loss of 18,300 Boeing jobs in Washington since 2012.

Unfortunately, this is an all too familiar scenario in the corporate world, affecting many thousands of people, often more than once in their career.

Work force reduction can have a significant impact on the individual and affects different people in very different ways. We all have our own way of coping with the unexpected, but when it comes to our jobs and our livelihood, it can catch us unawares.

It can affect your finances, your family, your friends, have an impact on your neighborhood, and not to mention the long-term impact on your pension.

Losing a job can be likened to the grief process, which was identified by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross in 1969, based on her work with terminally ill patients.

This process can apply whether you lose someone, are going through a divorce, or any major loss, as well as losing your job.

If you understand the process that you are going (or will go) through when you are facing redundancy, it can help you to identify solutions to help you recover from it faster and bounce back into an even better position than before. <Read The Full Post Here>


Lara was the best contributor to my team. I seriously, seriously mean it. She’s multi-talented and would love to work with her again in the future.

Mike Walker

President and Founder, Opterre LLC

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