Entrepreneurial Loneliness

Navigating Solitude: A Guide to Overcoming Loneliness as an Entrepreneur


“Amidst the serene silence of the countryside, under the glow of a silver moon, Marianne sits alone in her office, surrounded by books and a sea of paperwork. The light from her computer illuminates her face, revealing a mixture of determination and weariness. As an entrepreneur, she’s braved the path less travelled, her passion and perseverance giving life to her vision. Yet, tonight, the solitude is particularly poignant. The tranquillity outside contrasts starkly with the turmoil she feels inside. As the world sleeps, Marianne’s journey continues. Like many entrepreneurs, her story is not just about the business she’s building, but the battles she’s facing – battles like loneliness, a rarely discussed secret of entrepreneurship.”


It’s a familiar scene: the entrepreneur, sitting in front of a computer screen, shaping their unique vision in the quiet of the early morning or late at night. While the world sleeps or plays, they are hard at work. While filled with rewards and possibilities, the entrepreneur’s path is often walked alone. It’s an under-discussed reality of entrepreneurship: a deeply personal journey loaded with a sense of solitude.

This article aims to explore and demystify this often overlooked aspect of the entrepreneurial experience, providing practical, actionable strategies for combating the solitude that can sometimes slip into loneliness.

Understanding Entrepreneurial Loneliness

Entrepreneurship is an exciting journey, often kicked off with a burst of enthusiasm and creativity. It’s a path chosen by those who seek autonomy and those who want to shape their destiny and bring their unique vision to life.

However, sometimes it’s not a chosen journey but one taken out of necessity by those outside the typical working environment. Single mothers looking after their children at home, women on maternity leave who may need an extra income and older people excluded from the workforce by the ageism prevalent in society nowadays.

Along with finding your way in a new world and the exhilaration of building something from scratch, there’s another side to entrepreneurship, one less discussed but equally important – loneliness.

Entrepreneurship requires a level of independence and self-reliance that few other careers demand. While this can be empowering, it can also lead to feelings of isolation. Add to this the high-stakes decision-making, uncertain outcomes, and a to-do list that stretches to the horizon, and you have a perfect recipe for loneliness.

Beyond the personal toll, loneliness can also impact our businesses. Studies have shown that loneliness can reduce motivation, creativity, and problem-solving ability – all vital components of a successful entrepreneurial venture.


Signs of Loneliness

Not everyone suffers from loneliness. Many entrepreneurs are happy working alone on their projects and rarely need interaction with others. They can be alone but not lonely.

Similarly, you can be surrounded by others and lonely. You can be at home with your loved ones or out with your friends and still feel lonely.

Loneliness is a complex emotion, often hard to identify because it’s not the same as being physically alone.

It’s a feeling of disconnection, of being out of sync with the world. Loneliness comes from a loss of connection with your higher self and the rest of the conscious world. It might show up as a feeling of sadness, irritability, or unexplained fatigue.

You might find yourself withdrawing, desiring solitude even when opportunities for interaction present themselves. Your motivation may dwindle, your sleep might be disrupted, and your passion for your business, your ‘baby’, might wane.

If these signs resonate with you, know that you are not alone. Many entrepreneurs have walked this path and found strategies to navigate this solitary terrain.


Strategies to Combat Loneliness

Networking and Entrepreneurial Groups

One of the most effective ways to combat loneliness is to reach out, form connections, and create your ‘tribe’. Networking is often seen purely as a business strategy to find clients or increase visibility. But it serves another equally important function – it helps you build relationships with like-minded individuals who understand the unique challenges of entrepreneurship. These relationships can be a source of comfort, advice, and even camaraderie.

Online and in-person entrepreneurial groups offer a platform for sharing – victories and failures, doubts and dreams. These groups provide a sense of belonging and serve as a reminder that others are walking the same path, facing similar challenges.

There are many local and online business networking groups in the UK, including the Institute Of Directors (IOD), Business Gateway, and the Federation of Small Businesses.

More resources:

  • Meetup offers a wide variety of groups, including ones for entrepreneurs.
  • LinkedIn Groups allows you to find groups related to entrepreneurship.
  • Entrepreneur’s Organization is a global network of entrepreneurs for sharing experiences and learning.

Co-working Spaces

How we work has significantly shifted in the last few years. The rise of remote work and flexible hours has created a new kind of workspace – the co-working space. These spaces are not just about sharing a physical location; they are about creating a shared experience, a sense of community.

Co-working spaces offer opportunities for casual interactions, spontaneous brainstorming sessions, and the simple, human comfort of having others ‘in the same boat’ around you. They can help alleviate feelings of isolation and provide a balance between the autonomy of entrepreneurship and the collaborative spirit of a community.

Finding good, affordable places to co-work in the UK can be difficult, but here is a list of the best co-working spaces in Scotland and the best co-working spaces in England.

You can also try WeWork, Regus, or search for local coworking spaces in your area.

Alternatively, why not find a local coffee shop where you can set up for a couple of hours, work away amid the hubbub for a while and be greeted by the friendly face of a barista?


Self-Care and Work-Life Balance

The entrepreneurial journey can often feel like a never-ending race, with personal well-being falling by the wayside. But remember, as an entrepreneur, you are your business’s most valuable asset. Taking care of your physical health through regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep can significantly improve your mental well-being.

Invest time nurturing personal connections outside of work and pursuing hobbies and activities that bring you joy and relaxation. These are not frivolous indulgences but vital for maintaining a balanced life. They serve as a bridge, connecting you with the world outside your business, reminding you that you are not defined solely by your entrepreneurial venture.

Look for groups in your local area to join and catch up with others during the working week. Combine this with a physical activity or hobby you enjoy, such as walking, wild swimming, or photography groups.

Harvard Business Review has several articles on managing work-life balance.


Mindfulness and Meditation

These words have become buzzwords in recent years, often associated with a particular lifestyle or personality. But at their core, they are tools – tools that can help you navigate the internal landscape of your mind, tools that can help cultivate resilience.

Mindfulness, the practice of staying present and observing without judgement, can help you understand your feelings of loneliness and approach them with curiosity rather than fear. Meditation, even a few minutes daily, can help reduce stress and promote a sense of calm and balance.

So many apps are available now that can help you take 10 minutes out of your day to meditate, recentre yourself, and get your head back into a more resourceful place.

More resources:

  • The American Psychological Association has resources on a wide range of mental health topics.
  • Mind is a UK-based organization that provides advice and support on mental health topics.
  • Headspace and Calm are popular meditation and mindfulness apps that can guide you through these practices.


When to Seek Professional Help

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to dealing with loneliness. What works for one person might not work for another. Monitoring your feelings, acknowledging them, and taking action is important.

If feelings of loneliness persist, or if they begin to affect your daily functioning – causing pervasive sadness, anxiety, or disinterest – it may be time to seek professional help. Coaches, therapists and counsellors can provide an understanding ear and a fresh perspective and equip you with effective strategies to manage your emotional well-being.



The entrepreneurial journey is unique, filled with highs and lows, triumphs and challenges. Loneliness can be a part of this journey, but it need not define it. As an entrepreneur, you have shown that you have the courage to follow your dreams and chart your own path. Apply that courage to your personal life, acknowledging when you need help, reaching out when you feel isolated, and taking care of your mental health with the same vigour as your business.

Remember, you are not alone. A whole community of entrepreneurs is out there, navigating the same journey and facing the same challenges. Reach out, connect, share, and you will find that the path of entrepreneurship, while often solitary, can also be deeply enriching and surprisingly communal.

I go through phases of entrepreneurial loneliness and know what it’s like to work alone most of the time. So feel free to contact me on social media or book a Zoom call for a face-to-face chat. I’d love to hear from you.

It’s always important to consult with a healthcare professional if you’re feeling persistently lonely. It’s a common issue that many people face, and there’s no shame in seeking help.


Frequently asked questions about Entrepreneurial Loneliness

What is entrepreneurial loneliness?

Entrepreneurial loneliness is a feeling of isolation that can occur due to the unique challenges and pressures of running a business. It can manifest as disconnection, persistent sadness, or an overwhelming desire for solitude.

What causes feelings of loneliness in entrepreneurs?

Loneliness can arise from the independence and self-reliance required to run a business, the stress of high-stakes decision-making, uncertainty about outcomes, and managing an extensive workload.

How can networking help with loneliness?

Networking can help alleviate loneliness by creating a community of like-minded individuals. It allows entrepreneurs to share their experiences, challenges, and victories, fostering a sense of belonging and camaraderie.

What is the role of co-working spaces in combating loneliness?

Co-working spaces provide an environment that fosters interaction and collaboration. They offer a balance between the autonomy of entrepreneurship and the community spirit, helping to reduce feelings of isolation.

How does self-care contribute to managing loneliness?

Self-care, including physical health maintenance and nurturing relationships outside of work, is crucial for mental well-being. Engaging in activities that bring joy and relaxation can provide a vital bridge to the world beyond business, preventing feelings of isolation.

How can mindfulness and meditation help?

Mindfulness and meditation can help manage stress and promote a sense of calm and balance. They encourage attention to the present moment, increasing self-awareness and better emotional management.

When should an entrepreneur seek professional help for feelings of loneliness?

If feelings of loneliness persist, lead to pervasive sadness and anxiety, or begin to affect daily functioning, it’s important to seek professional help. Mental health professionals can provide tailored strategies to manage these feelings effectively.

Is it normal for entrepreneurs to feel lonely?

Yes, many entrepreneurs experience periods of loneliness. It’s part of the journey but should be addressed if it affects personal well-being or business performance. Using strategies to manage it and seek help when needed is important.

Contact me for a friendly, no-obligation chat if you need any help or advice on your entrepreneurial journey.

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